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Canada Address

When you want to send something to Canada, the most important thing is to write down the correct address. But how to write a standard Canadian address format? Let's explore.

How to write a Canadian address?

International trade has spawned the demand for international delivery. So how to fill in the correct address when sending mail or package to Canada? To send letters or mail to Canada, you need to fill in the correct Canadian address for accurate delivery. Failure to do so may result in loss or delay.

Canadian Address Format one

1The first line is the recipient's name (Line 1).

2The second line is the civic address line which is made up of unit number, civic number, civic number suffix, street name, street type, street direction, and unit designator (Line 2).

3The third line is the city/municipality/locality name, province/territory abbreviation, and postal code (Line 3).

4If you are sending from abroad to Canada, you also need to add a line at the bottom to write the full name of the country.


5Additional delivery information should be written above the civic address line (line 2).


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What is the civic address line in Canada?

A civic address is an address system used in many countries. It combines the building, street, and community that is assigned to an individual address or business address.

Canadian civic address is made up of unit number, civic number, civic number suffix, street name, street type, and street direction.


- Unit number

Unit number help you find the exact house/building in the street. If your address contains the unit number, be sure to write it in the full address. It can be displayed in the following way.

1Write in front of the civic number with a hyphen in between, and no unit designator.


2After the street type, use an appropriate unit designator, such as UNIT, APT, etc.


3Above the street information, on a separate line.


- Civic number & civic number suffix

You should place the civic number in front of the street name. If there is a civic number suffix, write it after the civic number.

- Street Name & Street Type

The street name is the official name recognized by each municipality, and the street type is placed after the street name in an abbreviated format. The street name and street type could be in English or French.

- Street Direction

Street directions are usually written after the street type, usually in abbreviated form.

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How to write a Canadian Envelope? How to write a Canadian Envelope?

How to write a Canadian Envelope?

1Fill in the recipient's information in the middle of the envelope, including the recipient's name, address, city/province/postal code.

2The return address is written on the upper left corner of the envelope, and it will be returned to this address if the letter cannot be delivered normally.

3Put a stamp on the top right corner.


It is best to use uppercase letters when filling in the address, although lowercase letters are also acceptable.

The first and last three digits of the postal code are separated by a space.

There should be one space between the municipality and the province or territory, and two spaces between the province or territory and the postal code.

All lines should be less than 40 characters per line, excluding spaces.

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